Breaking the silence Hamid Alkifaey

 Breaking the silence After decades of propaganda, Iraqis are finally discovering freedom of information. Hamid Ali Alkifaey on the efforts to build the legal framework for a free press The Guardian Monday 14 July 2003  I am leaving for Baghdad soon, for the first time in almost 23 years. I am not, however, going there to be a member of the “governance council” that Paul Bremer announced last week, nor will I be part of Baghdad’s... 


Interview with Iraqi Writer and Journalist Hamid Alkifaey

Interview with Hamid Alkifaey The Guardian 21/5/2003 The removal of Saddam Hussein was, in my opinion, the greatest-ever US achievement, and was also a personal triumph for the president, George Bush. Saddam Hussein was an extraordinary terrorist, and he was armed with the most sophisticated weapons on earth. He spent Iraq’s wealth on weapons of mass destruction that he used against the Iraqi people and Iraq’s neighbours. He would have... 


Staying above the soil – Hamid Alkifaey

Staying above the soil     Iraqi writer Hamid Ali Alkifaey, who fled from Saddam Hussein’s regime, recalls life under his leadership and considers what the future could hold for Iraq  Hamid Alkifaey The Guardian, Friday 16 May 2003 Nothing is more difficult than describing what it was like to live under Saddam Hussein’s regime, and this is especially true when talking to free people who have never experienced oppression. However,... 


Staying above the soil- The Guardian – Hamid Alkifaey

Iraqi writer Hamid Alkifaey, who fled from Saddam Hussein’s regime, recalls life under his leadership and considers what the future could hold for Iraq, Friday 16 May 2003  Nothing is more difficult than describing what it was like to live under Saddam Hussein’s regime, and this is especially true when talking to free people who have never experienced oppression. However, it is possible to talk about certain aspects... 


I Have A Dream Hamid Alkifaey

                                                                                   Photo: MP Barry Gardner introducing Hamid Alkifaey at a gathering at Wembley Town Hall 2002 I would like to begin by saying how wonderful it is to be here at Queen Mary College, University of London. It is a great privilege to be with you all. I do not know if it is a coincidence that we are here at the ‘Chemical Building’... 


The Guardian Interview with Hamid Alkifaey

Interview with Hamid Ali Alkifaey The Guardian 4/2/2003 I was in Iraq until the end of 1980 and I left after Saddam Hussein took over, after he had murdered half of the leadership of his party. It looked as if the country was entering a new phase which was a terrifying one to every Iraqi in the country, some of whom were forced to carry arms and be part of the popular army. Most people had to carry Saddam’s photographs and badges. Professors... 


Hamid Ali Alkifaey: Throw out Saddam and free my nation

Throw out Saddam and free my nation The Independent, 19/9/2002 I left Iraq 22 years ago. There was no way I could live any longer under the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein. The Iran-Iraq war was just beginning and I, luckily, managed to get a visa to come to Britain as a student. I remember thinking that I would have gone anywhere, India, Rwanda, even Afghanistan, to get away from Saddam. It was a huge struggle, financially and mentally. I know that... 

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