Hamid Alkifaey admonishes life for its treatment of his friend Saad Al-Jadir

Treacherous Life

He loved you, sang for you and sang your praises
He composed his most beautiful melodies for you
He travelled across all corners, singing and playing his lute for you
He dedicated his soul for you
He spread beauty and happiness in all your quarters
He endured pain for your sake
He regarded pain as a sign of life
The dead cannot feel the pain
But you renounced his love
abstained from his passion
refused to reciprocate his love
Instead, you exhibited hostility to him
You waged war on him that never abated
He struggled in order to make you appear pretty
He suffered in silence just to hide your shortcomings
and appear pretty in the eyes of others
,even though he could see your monstrosity
feel your cruelty, and perceive your repudiation and rejection
He remained steadfast, patient and hopeful
but you remained cruel and indifferent
He withstood, endured and remained patient
He sought to beatify your image
Remained hopeful that you will be benevolent one day
lest you see your errors and change course
Lest you reciprocate some of his favours
But you insisted on estrangement
You tortured him, hurt him and finally betrayed him
What a treacherous snake you are
?What else can those who betray those who loved them be called, other than treacherous
?Did you actually deserve all the love he dedicated to you
 O, treacherous life
?Upon how many criminals have you bestowed happiness, strength and longevity
Even though they were annihilating you and turning you into hell
How many abnegators have you forced to live for decades? Even though they were waiting for you to disappear
?How many of your detesters have resorted to suicide in order to jettison you
?How could you abandon a person who unveiled your beauty and hid your ugliness
Someone who endured all your grief, indifference and abjuration
How could you indulge in oppressing someone who loved you and clang on to you


This piece was written in memory of my dear friend Saad Al-Jadir who died on 17th July 2023